...is a designer and artist working across the realms of 3D animation, immersive spaces and live performance; often combining future-facing tech such as motion-capture, virtual-reality and the metaverse.
Screenings. Workshops.
Austin [USA] - SXSW [Figural Bodies]
Austin [USA] - SXSW [AWDC - Future Rites]
Our Time on Earth at The Barbican. London, May-Oct 2022 - Queer Ecology
Being Human Festival, Nov 22 - Goldsmiths Dancing in the Metaverse
Utah [USA] - Sundance Festival [MLF - Sweet Dreams]
23.11.19 - London [UK] - Royal Academy of Art Lates - Deep Earth [Floral Int. AV Set]
06.09.19 - Amsterdam [NS] - Department Festival [Floral Int. AV Set]
28.06.19 - Glastonbury [UK] - Shangri-La’s Gas Tower stage [Floral Int. AV Set]
Playgrounds Festival [Floral Int. AV Set]
Wired Festival [Floral Int. AV Set]
01.07.16 - London [UK] - Chrom-Art Tribe17 [Floral Int. AV Set]
05.02.16 - Birmingham [UK] - AV Silk Road @ Vivid Projects [MOL AV Set]
26.02.16 - Manchester [UK] - Test Card @ Texture MCR [MOL AV Set]
17.03.16 - Mannheim [DE] - B-Seite Festival @ Zeitraumexit [MOL AV Set]
29.04.16 - Vienna [AT] - Playground AV Festival @ TBA [MOL AV Set]
01.05.16 - London [UK] - Portobello Live Festival @ Westbank Gallery [MOL AV Set]
12.05.16 - Amsterdam [NL] - LPM (AV Node) @ Tolhuistuin [MOL AV Set]
20.05.16 - Athens [GR] - Athens Digital Art Festival 2016 - Digital Pop @ Six Dogs [MOL AV Set]
05.06.16 - London [UK] - Splice Festival @ I'Klectik Art Lab [MOL AV Set]
25.06.16 - London [UK] - AV Depot 2 @ New River Studios [MOL AV Set]
15.07.16 - London [UK] - Hot Vox: Audiovisual Electronica @ 93 Feet East [MOL AV Set]
16.07.16 - Barcelona [ES] - Visual Brasil Festival [MOL AV Set]
01.07.16 - London [UK] - Chrom-Art Tribe16 International Art Festival [MOL AV Set]
28.09.15 - Moscow [RU] - Circle of Light Festival @ VDNH [MOL AV Set]
03.10.15 - Gdansk [PL], Interference Festival [VJ Battle]
07.10.15 - London [UK] VJ London [MOL AV Set]
30.10.15 - Manchester [UK] - Test Card @ Texture MCR [MOL AV Set]
04.12.15 - Manchester [UK] - Test Card @ Texture MCR [MOL AV Set]
Mask Collective, Berlin, March 2014 - [BirdMask Visuals - Fairlight]
13.10.14 - Manchester [UK] - Brightersound x DJ Yoda @ Band on the Wall [VJ Set]
30.06.14 - Sydney [AUS] - Vivid Sydney Electrolapse @ Pier 2/3 [VJ Set]
05.12.14 - Sydney [AU] Showtek @ Home Nightclub [VJ Set]
GAFFTA - Visual Music, San Francisco, August 2013 - BirdMask Visuals
Wonderland's 12th Night, London, March 2012 [VJ Set]
Elysian Project, London, May 2012 [VJ Set]
Wonderland's A Midsummer Night's Dream, London, June 2012 [VJ Set]
LBi's Cannt Festval, London, June 2012 [VJ Set]
25.08.12 - London [UK] - Channel 4's House Party @ 3 Mills Studios [VJ Set]
Taafi, Toronto, July 2012 - Tasty Visuals
Mapping Festival, Geneva, May 2011 [VJ Set]
ePop Up Garden, London, September 2011 [VJ Set]
Wonderland's Autumnal Rumble, London, October 2011 [VJ Set]
Radar Socials, London, February 2011 - Tasty Visuals
Pictoplasma, Berlin, April 2011 - Tasty Visuals
Zurich Film Festival, Zurich, September 2011 - Tasty Visuals
Playgrounds Festival, Amsterdam / Tilburg, October 2011 - Tasty Visuals
OneDotZero, London, November 2011 - Tasty Visuals